22 September 2014

♥11 Chocolatyum

Chocolatyum (Seoul. Hongdae) 

 First passed by Chocolatyum during my 2012 trip and was attracted to the blue window frames and the flag decor but didn't have time to enter. Finally managed to pay a visit during this trip while coming back from the Hongdae flea market 
(This cafe is located quite near to the Hongdae playground) 

 The country style decor of the interior 

All the different cookies and pastries displayed. 
Just looking at the displays is a treat in itself (:

This shop mainly does takeaways. There are only 2 tables inside and can be quite a squeeze as many customers walk in and out. Thought that I would not be able to get a seat with such limited seating but a table of customers left just as I finished browsing (: 

 Cutlery-shaped biscuits ₩1500 (?)
  Too cute! bought them just for the design (: 
Taste like normal butter biscuits, not too dry but just okay.

 Mille feuille ₩5,000
Quite a small portion but was pretty tasty. In fact one of the better tasting pastries I have had so far. The puff pastry was thin and crisp and just sweet enough while the cream was not too sweet.
or the quality,
5000 was not too bad, seeing how most cafes sell cakes for at least 5000 as well and may not taste as good.
Dine-in guests get a free cup of grain(?) tea as well.

Loved ♥

The pretty country decor
The yummy mille feuille
The cute designs of the biscuits

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