22 September 2014

♥11 Chocolatyum

Chocolatyum (Seoul. Hongdae) 

 First passed by Chocolatyum during my 2012 trip and was attracted to the blue window frames and the flag decor but didn't have time to enter. Finally managed to pay a visit during this trip while coming back from the Hongdae flea market 
(This cafe is located quite near to the Hongdae playground) 

 The country style decor of the interior 

All the different cookies and pastries displayed. 
Just looking at the displays is a treat in itself (:

This shop mainly does takeaways. There are only 2 tables inside and can be quite a squeeze as many customers walk in and out. Thought that I would not be able to get a seat with such limited seating but a table of customers left just as I finished browsing (: 

 Cutlery-shaped biscuits ₩1500 (?)
  Too cute! bought them just for the design (: 
Taste like normal butter biscuits, not too dry but just okay.

 Mille feuille ₩5,000
Quite a small portion but was pretty tasty. In fact one of the better tasting pastries I have had so far. The puff pastry was thin and crisp and just sweet enough while the cream was not too sweet.
or the quality,
5000 was not too bad, seeing how most cafes sell cakes for at least 5000 as well and may not taste as good.
Dine-in guests get a free cup of grain(?) tea as well.

Loved ♥

The pretty country decor
The yummy mille feuille
The cute designs of the biscuits

20 September 2014

♥10 Alice in cupcake cafe 앨리스 in cupcake

 Alice in cupcake cafe (Seoul. Ewha)

*note - some of the pictures in this post have been edited (brightened) because most of the photos came out too dark


This cafe was my most memorable cafe in Seoul because of the very very sweet owner (:
Alice cafe is also located in the back alleys of Ewha, on the furthur end which is quieter

Was looking to grab a quick breakfast near school on a Sunday but it was not opened yet. But peeked through the door to see the lovely decor and decided that I should come back. 

  Decided to visit again after lessons on a weekday and it was really lovely. The owner started speaking to me in Korean then realised i didnt understand. So she asked if i was a tourist and i told her i was on exchange here. She was really sweet, trying to make a conversation with me in my broken korean.

Her friendly/sweet personality has seemed to have gained her quite a few regulars.
As i was sitting there, a girl entered and talked to her really comfortably like an unni, telling her how she was tired and so on, and whether she had eaten. So sweet. and when she asked for a charger, another girl at another table offered to her. ( though the owner does keep some chargers too).  Seriously loved the warm, family/friendly atmosphere
 The shelf near the door which stores all the chargers, plugs and other knick knacks to provide customers with a good experience.
 Red velvet and Earl grey tea cupcake  ₩3,500 each
Not too bad, but slightly dry though. Prefer cupcakes that are moist and buttery.
Stamp card - get 1 free with every 10 cupcakes bought

 The pretty and whimsical decor (:

  Talked to her for while before i left and wanted to take a photo with her as a memo of the sweet people i have met, and she was so cute. 

owner: sure! hmmm.. where is a good place to take a photo?
 *proceeds to look around the cafe and brings me to a wall with the painting of the hot air balloon*
 here! photo zone! 

 hahaha. so cutteee.


On my last night in seoul, decided to visit the cafe for old times' sake.  And the owner remembered me and was so sweet

the conversation-
me:  today's my last day "오늘 마지막날 " 
owner:  "그레서(?)... 그냥 (?).. " (basically a korean word to mean, BECAUSE it is your last day)
 I give you "service" i.e: the cupcake i chose would be free (:

And later she served me a cup of ice tea as well . seriously super sweet

farewell treat (:

Thank you *Alice* (I never asked the owner for her name, assuming it was Alice. hahaha) 
for making my stay in Korea even more memorable!

Location of Alice cafe:

Opening hours:


Loved ♥
The really sweet owner
The "family" vibe
The cute and homely decor 


10 September 2014

Around Singapore - Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 (:

1. Breadtalk Hello kitty mooncake - traditional lotus paste with macadamia nuts ($10/piece) 

2. Lanterns at a shop in holland village that has been around for ages 
remembered buying lanterns from there when i was a kid (:

05 September 2014

♥9 Eartizen cafe 얼티즌 카페

  Eartizen cafe (Seoul. Ewha.)

After spending a few weeks on exchange, wanted to experience student life by studying at a cafe. hahaha. 
Was looking for a cafe nearby school to revise for my korean test at the rather late hour of 9pm at night. (Ewha gets rather quiet afer 9 as compared to Hongdae and maybe even Sinchon). After walking to so many cafes which were all closing, finally found this cafe located in a back alley close to ewha uni (that closed at 10pm! (:)

Initially missed it as it was located in a secluded corner, but was attracted by the sounds of a group of friends chatting at the "deck" in front of the shop and they were leaving just as I passed by.
Turned to look and was attracted to the "earthy" feel of its exterior with the wood panelled walls, large panelled glass windows (giving a view of the lovely interior inside)  and a wood deck. 
Was a bit hesitant to go in at first because it was really late and the place was super quiet. But it was a good choice!


The inside was nicely decorated as well.
Wood panelling on one wall and comfy sofas, giving a calming, nature feeling.

The staff were quite friendly and helpful as well.

The reasonably -priced menu.

After debating what to get, found something unique to add to the list of green tea snacks/drinks i tried. (:

Green tea affogato.  ₩4,500
The green tea was quite thick because it had to be eaten with the ice cream. But...still found it slightly too thick.

 (trying to) revise for korean test at 9 pm. haha. (:

This was definitely one of the memorable times during my exchange there, because it was something I would only do as a student and never as a tourist. The atmosphere of the cafe made it even more lovely and mmemorable, just sitting down in the cafe, (trying to) study, slowly savouring my affogato and enjoying the quietnesss of the night, occasionally interrupted by the sound of the trains and the rumble of the floor each time a train heading towards the nearby sinchon station passed by, which actually made it feel more homely as you imagine the crowds coming and going from Seoul. (:

Map of the cafe

Loved ♥
Nature-like setting
Quiet yet homely location next to the railway tracks
The unique green tea affogato 

After googling, found that Eartizen Cafe is actually the cafe part of the whole building "Eartizen Herb" a social enterprise for youths.  

http://www.eartizen.com/ (website in korean only)


Around Korea - 빙수야 팥빙수야 ~~

What is summer in korea without some bingsoos? (:
Had so many bingsoos during this summer exchange, of which, these 5 were eaten together with a korean friend i met during the programme (:

clockwise from top left:

1. Sulbing 설빙(Ewha) 
   Injeolmi bingsoo 인절미설빙 ₩ 7,000
-Soybean (?) powder, injeolmi (a kind of ddeok), almond flakes, condensed milk- 

Introduced to my very first bingsoo at this famous snowflake sherbet chain cafe  (:

Something different from the usual patbingsoo (red bean bingsoo) , the condensed milk went nicely with the soybean powder. the ice here is quite fine as well (: 

Other Branches: Sinchon, insadong and many more 

2. 담장옆에 국화꽃  (Literally: The chrysanthemum flowers along the wall) (Hangangjin) 
   Persimmon punch bingsoo 수정과 빙수 ₩9,000
  -수정과  sauce, candied persimmon slices, ddeok-

Taste similar to cinammon, very very sweet, the ice was not as fine as well.
According to my korean friend, the topping (수정과  sauce) is actually served as a sweet drink after meals in fine dining restaurants because of it cleansing/refreshing taste. 

3. Caffe Zudy (Ewha) 
  Black sesame bingsoo 담백한 흑임자 빙수 ₩11,000
  -Black sesame, red beans, ddeok, nuts, cranberries, milk on the side-

 This shop without a doubt, wins for the best topping, the topping was unique,generous, healthy and all the ingredients matched really nicely . (:

The ice was not really fine, considering they are not a specialised bingsoo cafe. Also, definitely more pricey than most other bingsoos but worth it and the portion is huge as well (:

- Do remind them to give you the milk in case they forget. 
- Show them your student id card to get a 10% discount

4. Homilpat 호밀밭 (Sinchon)  
   Fruit bingsoo 과일 빙수 ₩7,500
   -Seasonal fruits, milky ice base, red bean and ddeok (served separately, which was unusual)-

 호밀팥 is (according to the bro) quite a famous bingsoo shop located in Sinchon, walked past it and was attracted to its christmasy (in july. hahah) decor. Didn't realise it was famous so decided to head there to try it out.

And it was indeed a good choice (: The ice was the most fine and what stood out was that the milk was probably(?) incorporated into the ice and then shaved which resulted in a nice creamy bingsoo ( as opposed to most where you just add milk onto the bingsoo and the milk never really soaks in ):  )

The prices here are quite reasonable, with the basic milk bingsoo starting at just ₩5,500 
The portions are slightly smaller ( but still enough for 2 )

5. Homilpat 호밀밭 
    Green tea bingsoo 녹차 빙수 ₩6,500
   -Green tea ice base, red bean and ddeok (served separately) -
To end off the summer exchange. we decided to go back to 호밀 for more of their delicious bingsoo and the green tea flavour was super nice as well. (:
The ice had a distinct and nice creamy green tea taste. Would definitely recommend it to green tea lovers. (:

best ice: homilpat
best topping: caffe zudy