06 July 2014

Around Korea - Hot summer 핫핫 너무더워

Summer's here! 
What better way to cool off than diving into a pool? (: 

 Large scale - Ttukseom resort in seoul 

Grabbed a snapshot of the huge pool and the huge crowds in this resort next to the hangang
 while the subway was passing by ...

Smaller scale - Jeongja pool

A community pool in the area of Jeongja in the bundang suburb. 

Came out of the Jeongja subway station and was wondering why there were so many tents...
Walked over and turns out it was a pool for the neighbourhood. Plenty of young kids with their floats. Families under the tents (some brought their own!) eating fried chicken delivery and just enjoying the great company and food in the sunny summer weather (:
Was pretty amazed and intrigued by it!

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