21 May 2016

Around Japan - Nishiki Market

Snapshots of Kyoto's Nishiki Market.
An old/traditional market which is worth a visit just to look at all the delicacies (: 

 Love the roof (:

 Always love how the Japanese posters are so kawaii~

 Cookies for dogs (:

 Traditional Japanese Sweets (: Too cute/pretty to eat!

 All the ready-made dishes look so delicious!

 Ironsmith handcrafting a cooking knife. Super interesting shop selling traditional cooking knives / cooking utensils. 

And of course, a few shops selling touristy knick knacks, love these Japanese style crafts.
 (Not too sure what these sort of crafts are called)

Definitely worth a visit if you have time to spare in Kyoto or as a wet weather plan (which was what we did on our rainy day there) (: 

07 May 2016

Around Singapore - Mother's Day cakes (:

Mother's Day is coming!

Always interesting to see the various shops' creations (:

Spotted this at Taka's food basement. Too cute!   
Flor Patisserie Mother's Day Deco Cake (chocolate)
SGD $ 56.10 (15cm) SGD $ 280.50 (30cm)

 A clearer (prettier) picture
 photo credits to Flor Patisserie
You can order it online @ their website!

Other special creations @ Taka's food basement (: 

Wednesday Brunch time with the mom

 Was craving for some ice cream and waffles and decided to head to Star Vista, only to find that the 2 ice cream shops only open at 12noon ):

Headed to Cedele to see what they offer and was pleasantly surprised to see that this outlet has ice cream! (:

 And....they had a Mother's Day cake (:
Perfect for a pre-Mother's day celebration with my mom ;)

 Cedele Strawberry Angel Mother's Day Cake
$8.00 (slice)
 $62.00 (8') 

 If you eat there you can get:
Cake and Ice-cream Set $9.50 (better value!)

02 May 2016

Around Singapore - a Vanishing Trade...

Went to Great World City for lunch and headed to our regular post-lunch hangout - THAT CD shop - only to find this! 
 THAT CD shop was a huge part of my life, especially before there was YouTube (or the internet for that matter. haha)

Remember heading to this outlet as well as their outlet at Tanglin Mall on Sundays after lunch. It was a real treat to scour the rows and rows of CD for an album that we wanted, or just to see what hidden gems there were.

And of course, getting to buy the CD (back when i was in primary/secondary school), was a rare treat too. 

Remembered that my first few albums were:
Original Disney compilations
 Disney Refresh [This was one of my favourites but I lost it and have been searching for it on iTunes and online but apparently it is no longer produced ): ]
 [#90's kid (:]

 The test-listen CD stations.

And the Showcase row where you could listen to the latest CDs. (:
(There are supposed to be CDs here of course. hahha. but they were all sold out as it was the last day) 

Was glad that i stumbled on it on their last day and managed to take some pictures to do a post!

 Thank you for all the memories! (':